Can I Ask You A Question?

Hi All Y’All,

It’s me, apparently your favorit dog! I’m not sure why I would be but that’s what Ive been told.

So anyhow, Ive been doing my reading and writing, and learning to add ‘GEES’ to the ends of words – like readinG and writinG – an Ive been learning words. Ive gotten up to the letter ‘C’ – calamity, carrot, and CAT GRRRRR!!! I will be most happy wen I gets to DOG!

Fr. Dad has also been mekin me read the Bible and books about it. He says he needs my ‘canine input in the world of thee-ole-georgie’. Whoeva that is.

Anyways, I saw on his date-thing … calender … is that it??? Dunno! Anyways, there’s a date with the name ‘Trinity Sunday’ on it. Now Imma gettings to know what Sundays is – they’re the days both my dads disappear. An early, too. An they don’t come back for hours.

I don’t like Sundays, well, not until theys come back that is. Then Sundays is fine!

So I gots to wundering if Trinity Sunday would make things WORSE for me. What IS a Trinity Sunday? Why is it?

Apparently, Fr. Dad thinks these are good questions so he told me to go look. Sos I did. And … well …

Can I ask you a question?

Does you all really believe this stuff?

Okay, I don’t believe in god – big ‘G’ or not. My life hasn’t had god coming in to help me, so why would I believe? But then y’all think that gGod is three people but NOT. You believe that gGod is ONE but gGod is also NOT.


I mean, give me a bone I need to lie down! As if it isn’t hard enough, y’all make it impossible.


I just had to ask Fr. Dad about all this – I laid down before him, looked into his eyes, and prepared myself for a good laugh.

But Fr. Dad opened his Bible and started reading out of it. He began to show where this weirdest of weird ideas came from, and also how it made sense of creation. Well … kinda. He was talking about the ‘Godhead being in perfect communion’ and of creation being an ‘outburst of God’s uncontainable love’ and of how creation was invited to partake in that love.

My jaw, people, was on the floor. My tonge was stuck to the carpet. It is official: Ive been rescued by a loon. Ecsept … he had rescued me, an he didn’t need to. Was that something to do with this gGod and creation?

Fr. Dad said that, ultimately, gGod is a mystery – that whatever we think of gGod, gGod will always be beyond our thoughts. But, still, gGod had revealed something of what gGod is and what gGod isn’t.

Naturally, I was captivated (a word I learned) by this, so I asked for examples.

“Jesus” said Fr. Dad. “Jesus is the face of the invisible God.” He continued, “It is through Jesus that we know to call God ‘Father’. It is through Jesus that we know of the Holy Spirit – the one sent from the Godhead. It is through Jesus that we know of grace, peace, forgiveness, and redemption.”

I stopped Fr. Dad at that point ‘coz he’d given me loads of words to check out. But Fr. Dad continued on with one more line: “It is through Jesus that we know of God’s love for us.”

I have to tells you people that it was at this point that I got a little snarly – a little angry – ‘coz if gGod does love me then He/It has a really bad way of showing it. An I reckon loads of other dogs, critters, people – an even cats – would agree with me. They have crummy lives, there’s no love. Life is brutal.


It’s a simple question, but it is one I need believers like my dad to answer: “If God cares so much just where IS HE??? Where is God when it hurts?”


“I’ll answer that”, Fr. Dad said, “If you will answer this: ‘If there is no God and everything is random, then why would you consider things other than as they are? If our search for meaning and truth and beauty, and fairness are purely subjective, in what way is life brutal? Isn’t it just ‘is’?”


But then Fr. Dad said this: “Don’t worry, there are arguments against what I just said – I’ll teach them to you.”

But why dad? If you want me to believe in what you believe why would you want to teach me ways of notbelieving? Ways of arguing against gGod?


And this, my friends, puzzled me even more, ‘coz he said, “Because I want you to believe not in an ‘idea’, or a ‘set of principles’, or a ‘theory that has some logic going for it; I want you to believe in a living God who exists beyond your imagination but who is closer to you than your very breath. God is not an abstract theory – God is life itself.”

I guess Ive lots of other words to learn – I think its gonna be interesting.

Later, people,
